Panic Disorder Severity Scale (PDSS)

This questionnaire is designed to assess the severity of your panic disorder symptoms over the past week. Therefore, the given answer should be based on your feelings over the past two weeks. Your responses will help in understanding your current condition and guiding any necessary treatment.

Full-Symptom Panic Attacks:

A full-symptom panic attack is a sudden, intense surge of fear or discomfort that peaks within minutes. It’s characterized by four or more symptoms like rapid heartbeat, sweating, trembling, shortness of breath, chest pain, nausea, dizziness, chills, numbness, feeling unreal or detached, fear of losing control, or fear of dying.

Limited-Symptom Panic Attacks:

A limited-symptom panic attack is a less severe form of panic attack characterized by fewer than four symptoms. While it can still be distressing, it doesn’t meet the criteria for a full-symptom panic attack. Individuals may experience some symptoms, such as rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, or dizziness, but not the full range.

Question 1

How many panic and limited symptom attacks did you have?

Question 2

If you had any panic attacks, how distressing (uncomfortable, frightening) were they while they were happening?

Question 3

How much have you worried or felt anxious about when your next panic attack would occur or about fears related to the attacks?

Question 4

Were there any places or situations (e.g., public transportation, movie theaters, crowds, bridges, tunnels, shopping centers, being alone) you avoided, or felt afraid of (uncomfortable in, wanted to avoid or leave), because of fear of having a panic attack? Are there any other situations that you would have avoided or been afraid of if they had come up during the week, for the same reason? If yes to either question, please rate your level of fear and avoidance this past week.

Question 5

Were there any activities (e.g. physical exertion, sexual relations, taking a hot shower or bath, drinking coffee, watching an exciting or scary movie) that you avoided, or felt afraid of (uncomfortable doing, wanted to avoid or stop), because they caused physical sensations like those you feel during panic attacks or that you were afraid might trigger a panic attack? Are there any other activities that you would have avoided or been afraid of if they had come up during the week for that reason? If yes to either question, please rate your level of fear and avoidance of those activities this past week.

Question 6

How much did the above symptoms altogether (panic and limited symptom attacks, worry about attacks, and fear of situations and activities because of attacks) interfere with your ability to work or carry out your responsibilities at home? (If your work or home responsibilities were less than usual this past week, answer how you think you would have done if the responsibilities had been usual)

Question 7

How much did panic and limited symptom attacks, worry about attacks and fear of situations and activities because of attacks interfere with your social life? (If you didn’t have many opportunities to socialize this past week, answer how you think you would have done if you did have opportunities.)
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