5 Ways to Manage Stress for a Better Quality of Life

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Stress is a condition that can affect anyone, arising from various causes such as work problems, personal issues, relationship troubles, and health problems. If stress is not managed appropriately, it can harm physical and mental health.

5 Ways to Manage Stress

  1. Self-Monitoring – This helps you become aware of how you respond to problems. Keep a diary of events and your behavioral, cognitive, emotional, and physical reactions. This reveals recurring patterns in your responses, such as negative thinking or avoidance behaviors.
  2. Cognitive Restructuring – When stressful events occur, we tend to have automatic negative thoughts about the situation. Negative thoughts lead to negative emotions. Practice examining these automatic thoughts to see if they are rational or beneficial. Learn to interpret events more realistically and appropriately.
  3. Relaxation Techniques – Practice relaxing your whole body’s muscles, combined with visualizing calming imagery and deep breathing exercises. Use these during stressful situations to reduce physiological stress responses.
  4. Time Management – Allocate time for a balanced life between work, family, leisure, and hobbies. Record your current time usage and compare it to your desired balance.
  5. Problem-Solving – Clearly identify the problem, then brainstorm multiple potential solutions. Choose the best viable option, implement it, and evaluate the outcome.

Managing stress is crucial, as failing to do so appropriately can harm physical and mental health, potentially leading to heart disease, stroke, stomach ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, depression, anxiety disorders, and insomnia. If you feel stressed, find suitable stress management techniques to maintain robust physical and mental health. If you cannot manage stress effectively, consult a psychiatrist for appropriate treatment. 

Nattapach Lamliangpon, M.D.

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