Warning Signs of OCD

Repeatedly checking is one of the compulsions that are signs of OCD

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a chronic psychological condition affecting approximately 1.2% of the population. Should you find yourself constantly preoccupied with in repetitive intrusive thoughts that are difficult to control, or repeatedly find yourself compelled to enact certain behaviors, you may be experiencing OCD. 

OCD consists of two main components

  1. Obsessions: These are intrusive, uncontrollable thoughts that persist, even when you know they are irrational. These thoughts can lead to excessive anxiety. Examples include fears of contamination, a preoccupation with order and symmetry, or persistent worries about something bad happening.
  2. Compulsions: These are repetitive actions or counteractive thoughts aimed at reducing the anxiety caused by the obsessions.  Compulsions may involve repeated handwashing, door checking, checking plugs and stovetops, and other ritualistic behaviors. OCD can also manifest with other movement abnormalities, such as frequent blinking, shoulder shrugging, head or shoulder tics, or making involuntary sounds like clearing the throat or swearing.

Risk factors associated with OCD include

While OCD itself is not life-threatening, it can significantly impact daily functioning. If you experience these symptoms, it is advisable to seek help from a mental health professional as this condition is treatable and early intervention is associated with better treatment outcomes. The most effective treatment often combines medication and psychotherapy, both of which require a collaborative effort between the patient and the treatment team.

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