Mental Health Information

ดื่มสุรา เกินลิมิต เสี่ยงเกิดโรคตับแข็ง ไขมันพอกตับ
October 25, 2023
Effects of Excessive Alcohol Drinking

Although alcohol is commonly consumed on various social occasions, excessive alcohol drinking can have detrimental effects

6 แนวทางลดโอกาสลูกติดจอ
September 19, 2023
6 Effective Strategies for Managing Children’s Screen Time

With the myriad responsibilities facing today's parents, finding quality time to spend with their children can be challenging. Simultaneously, technology and online media are increasingly becoming integral parts of children's lives.

ไม่ต้องทนเบื่องาน ลอง 8 วิธีจัดการความรู้สึก เบื่องาน
September 19, 2023
8 Ways to Deal with Burnout

Burnout is what most people experience at some point in their professional journey. It can stem from various causes such as monotonous or repetitive tasks,

11 เทคนิคการสร้างความสัมพันธ์ที่ดี
September 19, 2023
11 Tips for Building and Maintaining Good Relationships

Good relationships requires a foundation of acceptance, mutual respect, positive feelings, and trust. Humans are inherently social and

September 19, 2023
Simple Techniques for Work-Life Balance

Nowadays, lots of people need to spend a large amount of their time on work responsibilities, resulting in accumulated fatigue over the week.

September 19, 2023
Political stress

Political stress, especially during elections, can lead to sadness, depression, anxiety. Many perceive societal division or face violent situations.

September 19, 2023
3 Ways to Boost Self-Worth

Many people possibly have encountered moments when they feel tired and bored, with reluctance to tackle tasks despite looming responsibilities.

September 19, 2023
Warning Signs of Suicide

Suicidal reports are common, illustrating how some people resort to this tragic choice to escape their suffering. Explore the underlying causes.

September 19, 2023
Postpartum Blues VS Postpartum Depression

Women often experience low mood after childbirth. This is a commonly observed phenomenon resulting from rapid hormonal changes,