Mental Health Information
Can We Drink Alcohol While Using Antidepressants?
The treatment of mental illnesses encompass not only psychotherapy and medication; lifestyle adjustments also play a pivotal role.
Phobia is a psychological condition in which individuals exhibit intense anxiety towards specific stimuli or situations
Symptoms of Phobia
Fear, a fundamental emotion universally experienced, serves as a natural response to perceived threats to our well-being.
8 Strategies to Reduce the Risk of Dementia
Dementia is a general term referring to an impaired functioning of the brain, manifesting in symptoms such as forgetfulness,
Age-Related Forgetfulness or Signs of Dementia?
Have you ever wondered whether experiences like forgetting an appointment, not remembering the way back home,
Burnout Syndrome
Burnout is a common condition that many working-age individuals experience at some point in their lives. If you feel bored at work,
Feeling lazy? You may be experiencing burnout.
Experiencing boredom and a strong aversion to work could be indicative of burnout, a prolonged response to work-related stress.
6 Ways to Relax and Overcome Fear of Flying
When it comes to flying, some people may feel unsafe or too afraid to travel, even if they want to visit other countries.
Treatment for bipolar disorder
Effective treatment for bipolar disorder focuses on managing extreme mood swings and improving quality of life.
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